Catching up with Mr. Marvin

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At Living Arts, music is a big part of the In-School Programs. We're excited to launch music residencies at Schulze Academy for Technology and Arts because this Elementary School has some of the best and brightest young musicians! We caught up with Teaching Artist Marvin Thompson Jr. and asked about his outlook for this year's program.

“One, two, three, four”

“Rest, two, three, four”

“Rest, two, rest, four”

What is your practice around keeping your music instruction fresh and enjoyable?

To hear the above rhythm cadence being screamed out by 25 elementary students, as they feverishly bang tambourines and juggle shakers in their tiny hands, is the reason why I look forward to teaching the music scholars at Schulze Academy.

To keep each session with the students fresh and interesting, I often plan different ways to present the lesson; one day we’ll have a “marching band”, another day we’ll have a rhythm “battle” where I’ll divide the class into teams and they’ll duplicate the beats that I play. I believe every session can introduce the fundamentals of music in a variety of new and interesting ways.

What lessons are you excited to teach in this new virtual space?

While this new normal that we’re in has its challenges, it’s provided art educators as myself with a colorful palette of opportunities in which to teach and present to our students. While working virtually, my students will participate in musical scavenger hunts, where they’ll locate items around their homes that will double as musical instruments. I’ll also host virtual concerts, where students will watch short videos of musical artists past and present, and we’ll discuss different music genres. And of course, we’ll sing!

It’s always a joy to see how students progress over the course of our sessions, so I’m looking forward to a virtual performance in which the students will perform for their teachers and parents. This performance will also give students a goal to work towards as they learn music.

Although this school year looks a little different, with the support of Principal Kemp and the staff at Schulze Academy, along with Living Arts, I’m committed to providing our students with a fun and energetic experience that will teach the fundamentals of music within a creative virtual environment.


Virtual Learning After-school


Art Material Pick Up!